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Commentaire de Hannibal GENSERIC

sur Génétique : Arabes et Berbères font partie des ancêtres européens

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Hannibal GENSERIC Hannibal GENSERIC 29 mars 2015 20:14

@Le Kergoat

Voici, ce qui est écrit dans Eupedia, qui a publié les informations auxquelles je fais référence :

At Eupedia we consider that the knowledge of history is essential to understand the complex ethnic, cultural and linguistic patchwork of the modern world. Retracing the ancestry and ancient population movement in Europe and its interactions with other regions like West Asia or North Africa provides valuable insight into what it means to be European today and what common heritage Europeans share with their neighbours. Understanding the diversity of genetic variations in society and how numerous historical migrations shaped our genes and identity is one of the most potent ways to eradicate xenophobia and dispel myths about racism.

C’est exactement le contraire des intentions que certains leur prêtent. Pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas l’anglais, je suis prêt à traduire.

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