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Commentaire de lololo

sur Les Jeux olympiques du XXIe siècle : La guerre par d'autres moyens

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lololo 29 juillet 2016 15:06

124. But now, I would like to tell you the other interestsand still ask you whether you have also made calculations concerning the Olympic Games in the year 1980, part of which is to be held in Russia ?

Billy :

No, why ? Should I have done that ?

Semjase :

125. No, it just would have been interesting for you, and moreover, I could have saved myself some explanations.

Billy :

No, I haven’t dealt with that. I wouldn’t have known why I should have done that. These games are, after all, not of so much importance that they could have a determining influence on the upcoming world situation, right ? The Olympics are, after all, a non-political affair and were also brought into life in this form. To my knowledge, if I am not mistaken, the founder of the Olympic Games was named Pelepon, a distant descendant of a Minoan philosopher, who, in the year 468 B.C., called these games into life, and he regulated the fact that games take place every four years in a sporting fashion with fist fights, horseback riding and horseback riding games, with long-distance running, armed sports fights, with speakers, poets, philosophers, and artists of all types. Even a sort of Pentathlon was already brought into life by him. His condition at the founding of the Olympic Games was that at these competitions, members of all Hellenic tribes and Minoans should meet together uniformly and peacefully, as well as inhabitants of other lands, by what means a peaceful coexistence should be created and a true peace should be developed. Furthermore, his condition was that political disagreements or even acts of war between various States involved in these games and competitions should never be a reason for these States or their athletes, etc. not to participate in these peaceful competitions. His condition singly came from the fact that the Olympic Games may never be used as a means for political pressure or otherwise as some other peace-interfering means.

Semjase :

126. Your remarks regarding these matters are astonishingly exact, but in one respect, you are very mistaken.

127. The Olympic Games have, unfortunately, already been caught in the wheels of the politics of the earthly governments for many decades, and this will be openly expressed to the world for the first time in the year 1980.

Billy :

That is just unreal ! Is it because of the fact that the invasion of the Russian army will take place at the end of 1979 ?

Semjase :

128. You are very clever and think very quickly.

129. Sure, that will be the reason.

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