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Commentaire de agent ananas

sur Daech et Hillary, danseuses des Saoud

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agent ananas agent ananas 7 novembre 2016 13:30

Ca doit être depuis cette attaque que la Russie a interdit les vols israéliens.

A cela s’ajoute le système de défense S-300 et S-400 que les russes ont installé en Syrie ...

"The S-300 and S-400 missile systems that Russia put in place cover all of Israel up to the southern Negev. Russian radar will immediately lock on Israeli jets taking off from any base, except for the Uvda air force base near the southern city of Eilat, and their flight patterns will be under constant surveillance. That is how the Russians keep an eye on the Israeli air force’s activities over “hotspots” along the borders between Syria and Lebanon. Should he want to, Putin can simply push a button and turn the lives of Israeli pilots and the commanders who sent them on offensive strikes in Syria into a living hell”

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