Les femmes instruites trouvent chez les féministes psychopathes un paravent derrière lequel se cacher,car elles ne veulent prendre aucune responsabilité dans le mal qu’elles transmettent dans le monde depuis la nuit des temps et qu’elle attribuent au patriarcat, aux hommes, fruits de ces femmes.
Chaque fois qu’un psychopathe tue ses enfants, oups, plutôt les enfants de sa conjointe, la mère du psychopathe échappe à toute responsabilité. Et le système judiciaire par définition a pour mission de défendre la mère idéalisée par les juges, par les « législateurs », par la religion, etc.
C’est ce qui est dit plus bas. Désolé pour ne pas avoir traduit.
Q : So, how does transferring of psychopathy through genetics relate to it ?
A : It means that respective forms of psychopathy are transferred in different ways and I personally propose certain hypotheses with respect to inheritance of psychopathy, but very cautious ones. That means that in my experience, I have not seen a case where the mother was entirely normal, the father was a psychopath, and the son was a psychopath, too.
Q : Not this way ? So, how ?
A : It is inherited via mother, the same as Daltonism or hemophilia. One is inheriting it via the mother. This is the case as far as the essential psychopathy is concerned. Schizoidia is probably inherited autosomally, through non-sex chromosomes, not via chromosomes X and Y, but via certain series of autosomal chromosomes. Therefore, the inheriting process differs. Finally, psychiatrists of the past mention the asthenic psychopathy as the most numerous. It is generally a broad category full of somewhat different conditions, difficult to differentiate, because these are results of fetal deprivation, therefore, it can be hereditary in nature or not. So, researching exactly the biological properties of psychopathy, the genetic properties of psychopathy, is very much needed in order to understand exactly this aspect of genesis of evil.
Q : And can one manage to overcome psychopathy alone, for example, when one is afflicted with it ?
A : Dear Madam, well, can one manage to overcome it ? No. This is a para-Homo sapiens. He feels otherwise, thinks otherwise and he cannot overcome himself... For example, in case of characteropathy, psychotherapy and the good will of the patient may help a great deal.
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