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sur L'horizon 2040 pour l'Union Européenne selon Berlin

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Javascript Javascript 8 novembre 2017 15:31

Hummm, j’approuve le fond de cet article que je trouve intéressant mais l’auteur a oublié de préciser (ou alors je ne l’ai pas vu) que son article est en fait une traduction de la rubrique de Paul Mason pour The Guardian.

Lien : https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/06/the-germans-are-making-contingency-plans-for-the-collapse-of-europe-lets-hope-we-are-too

D’ailleurs la fin de l’article a été curieusement raccourcit par cette traduction, il manque tout un paragraphe, je me permet de le reproduire ici (sans le traduire, dsl pour les non-anglophones)

If the Germans are making contingency plans for the collapse of Europe and the breakup of the global order then, presumably, someone at the UK’s Defence Academy in Shrivenham is doing the same. It would be better, though, if politicians started engaging the British electorate in a sober and non-partisan appraisal of the problem we face.

Putin’s Russia is waging hybrid warfare against western democracies ; not just through cyber-attacks or the placing of millions of pounds worth of ads for fake news on Facebook. It is also funding rightwing populist parties and using media influence to revel in the sleaze, corruption and sclerosis in European democracies. In turn, there is a tendency among centrist politicians to say that all opposition to the status quo – most recently in the Catalan referendum – is Kremlin-inspired.

The assumption behind the UK’s repeated promise of security cooperation with Europe after Brexit is that the core democracies – Germany, France, Italy and Spain – will remain committed to Nato, democracy and the rule of law. And that a reformed and revitalised Europe will deliver enough jobs and growth to sap the energy of the nationalist and xenophobic right. But it would also be wise for politicians to begin admitting that these things are no longer certain. If we want order, we have to create it – through engagement, multilateralism, by accommodating what we can of the demands of rising powers and through the promotion of resilient democratic institutions. If we fail to achieve order, we must deal with disorder when the US is no longer a reliable ally, nor even a stable democracy.

Britain’s new defence secretary should have a long look at the leaked German document. It will make sober reading alongside the defence spending cuts he is being told to make.

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