Aux lecteurs, que je remercie de leur visite comme de leurs observations que je lis attentivement, cet article qui mérite le détour.
Italy and Hungary Create ’Anti-Immigration Axis’
Ou l’on voit en effet que non seulement la politique de la France et de l’Europe n’est pas déterminée, pensée et mise en place rue du Fbg St-Honoré,à Berlin et à Bruxelles, mais encore qu’elle est désormais solidement revue par des dirigeants décidés à prendre en main la réalité des faits.
"We are close to a historic
turning point at the continental level. I am astonished at the stupor of
a political left that now exists only to challenge others and believes
that Milan should not host the president of a European country, as if
the left has the authority to decide who has the right to speak and who
does not — and then they wonder why no one votes for them anymore." —
Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini.
"This is the first of a long series of meetings to change
destinies, not only of Italy and of Hungary, but of the whole European
continent.« — Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini.
»We need a new European Commission that is committed to the
defense of Europe’s borders. We need a Commission after the European
elections that does not punish those countries — like Hungary — that
protect their borders." — Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Italian Interior Minister
Matteo Salvini have pledged to create an « anti-immigration axis » aimed
at countering the pro-migration policies of the European Union.
Meeting in Milan on August 28, Orbán and Salvini, vowed
to work together with Austria and the Visegrad Group — the Czech
Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia — to oppose a pro-migration group
of EU countries led by French President Emmanuel Macron.
Orbán and Salvini are seeking
a coordinated strategy ahead of the March 2019 European Parliament
elections to defeat the pro-immigration Party of European Socialists
(PES), a pan-European party representing national-level socialist
parties from all EU member states. The objective is to change the
political composition of European institutions, including the European
Parliament and the European Commission, to reverse the EU’s open-door
migration policies.
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