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Commentaire de jef_frayeur

sur Le départ des troupes US de Syrie : la redistribution des cartes ou une « Trumperie » de plus ?

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jef_frayeur 1er janvier 2019 00:28

Hi mr 45th president, i truly tried to be very patient, it seems that the time is over, especially about syria. When i told « kill Bachar al assad » that mean kill Bachar al Assad, nothing else. But now the interest, the rate is up, is will be more expensive.

Sorry it s time, it s over for about one year, i cant nothing for peoples who choose dictators in almost all countries, for this earth.

Earth Will be so wild for a very very long time like your lovely dictators, even the gods could do nothing for them.

Hi dark web : you have just 24h To free your preys. After that, farewell.

Until the new order, i will stay absent.

the master of times.

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