Par l’Historien Turc Taner Ackam : il s’est exilé aux Etats Unis cas il est menacé de mort dans son pays natal : la Turquie pour avoir fait des recherches sur le genocide armenien :
Ses dernières recherches portent sur le Premier Ministre Hovhannes Katchaznouni
: ( en Anglais ) :
"This is a short note on how Turkish denialists distort the text of
Hovhannes Katchaznouni (First Prime Minister of Armenia) and use his
sentences to proof their denialist arguments. For example : Katchaznouni
speaks openly about massacres of Armenian people and calls 1915 as
Holocaust. However, you cannot see these words or sentences in Turkish
»The deportations and mass exiles and MASSACRES which took place during
the Summer and Autumn of 1915 (1915 Yaz ve son baharında KATLIAMLAR)"
Turkish government brought about the deportation or EXTERMINATION of
the Armenian people in Turkey and the desolation of Turkish Armenia.
This was the terrible fact !
Civilized humanity might very
well be shaken with rage in the face of this UNSPEAKABLE CRIME. (Türk
Hükümeti Türkiye’deki Ermeni halkını İMHA ETTİ... İFADE EDİLEMEZ-KORKUNÇ SUÇ)
The refugees, all those who had survived the HOLOCAUST... (HOLOKOST’tan kurtulan mülteciler...)
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