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Commentaire de Adibou

sur 11/9/2001 - Simulation de la chute du WTC 7 - L'université d'Alaska-Fairbanks UAF publie sa base de données

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 Adibou Adibou 31 octobre 2019 19:13

Extrait de la conclusion de la fameuse étude payée 300 000$ par« Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth » (c’est comme si on donnait 300 000$ à doctorix pour une étude sur les mininikes au wtc) :

« It is our conclusion that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of all columns in the building and not a progressive collapse involving the sequential failure of columns throughout the building. »

Mais y’a un os :

"Since the left/east side of the penthouse collapses first in the video, it would seem that the core columns under this section of the penthouse have given way while the columns supporting the remainder of the penthouse are still intact.

After the east side of the penthouse collapses there is a noticeable delay followed by the collapse of the remainder of the penthouse which indicates that the rest of the core columns have failed. The expelling of debris through the windows can be seen on the right/west side of the building at this time. While a delay during the collapse is not entirely inconsistent with a controlled demolition, i believe it is an opposing argument.

This evidence alone contradicts the statement that all of the columns collapsed simultaneously and the final hypothesis of the UAF study seems to be heavily dependent upon such a conclusion."


Les faits montrent que l’effondrement des colonnes ne sont pas simultanées.

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