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Commentaire de Luc24

sur 11-Septembre : Tulsi Gabbard appelle Donald Trump à déclassifier tous les documents sur le rôle de l'Arabie saoudite

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Luc24 Luc24 9 novembre 2019 21:39

@agent ananas
Les débris de l’avion au Pentagone, et la nature du crash expliquée : ici et .

Pour le crash de Shanksville, il y a aussi tellement de sources qui évoquent les débris de l’avion retrouvés : ici, , ou encore ceci (in english) :

The first responders described the crater as about 15 feet deep and about 30 feet across. It was irregularly shaped. The wreckage around and inside the crater consisted of largely unrecognizable pieces of twisted metal, pieces of the landing gear of the plane, a tire, the frames of some of the seats, bits of charred paper, and remnants of luggage and clothing. Most of the pieces of wreckage were quite small, the size of a notebook or smaller. Many more pieces of wreckage, also quite small, were recovered during the investigation when the crater was excavated. Extensive searches through the wooded area south of the crash site, and even arborists in the tree tops found more debris from the crash. A pond about 900 feet southwest of the crater was partially drained to recover debris. Debris was collected from the yards of nearby homes, farmer’s fields, and from around a nearby residential lake. The largest and heaviest pieces recovered were parts of the plane’s two engines and a piece of fuselage with several window openings. This fuselage piece measured about six feet by seven feet and was found near the woods south of the crater. Lightweight paper items were found as far away as New Baltimore, eight miles away.

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