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Commentaire de SPQR Sono Pazzi Questi Romani

sur 1789, et si tout était à refaire ?

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SPQR-audacieux complotiste-Monde de menteurs SPQR Sono Pazzi Questi Romani 23 février 2021 10:19

@Mélusine ou la Robe de Saphir.

This is the end, beautiful friend
This is the end, my only friend
The end of our elaborate plans
The end of ev’rything that stands
The end
No safety or surprise
The end
I’ll never look into your eyes again........

The killer awoke before dawn
He put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived
And then he paid a visit to his brother
And then he walked on down the hall
And he came to a door
And he looked inside
Father ?
Yes son
I want to kill you
Mother, I want to...


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