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Commentaire de Vert une Planète pouBelle :)

sur Gilles-William Goldanel, ce mouton noir s'insurge du racisme anti-blanc

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DLaF mieux que RN ou Z / Ukraine Vert une Planète pouBelle :) 21 octobre 2022 11:37

@Moi ex-adhérent

Goldnadel est franco-israélien, il me semble : lorsque Juliette Binoche a été évoquée sur le plateau de CNews ( à propos du soutien aux iraniennes), il a aussitôt exprimé sa réticence vis à vis d’icelle sous le prétexte de sa posture à propos du 911.
Le 911 est le Tabou des Tabous yankee dont Israël est hautement solidaire...
En fait, comme l’a rappelé un des co-invités, Marion Cotillard ( ainsi que J-M Bigard) avait exprimé leur réserve vis à vis de la VO de 911.
Juliet Binoche avait été plus prudente, mais Goldnadel qui connait ses classiques a fait une légère confusion :


While preparing for the role Binoche had long conversations with a secret agent, who consulted on the film and on whom she modelled her character. ’Of course he could not reveal everything to me, but he said a lot,’ she says. ’Some things I forgot because it was just too much. Certain things I was very amazed by and when I told people close to me about them they just wouldn’t believe it. Everything in there is true,’ she adds, her eyes blazing with the fervour of a conspiracy theorist.

So is she saying the film is a dramatisation of real events ? ’Absolutely,’ she says. ’I went to see the Iranian ambassador at the time and he said of course it’s true. Things that I thought were hidden and private… they were very open about it.’ So she means the CIA and other agencies knew 9/11 was going to happen ? ’Of course.’ So is she saying it was an inside job ? Or that al-Qa’eda was responsible ? ’Everybody is responsible for it. If you only knew more, it’s even more depressing.’ She suddenly realises this is all getting a bit implausible and explodes into laughter. ’Humour is the only way we can deal with it.’

Très utile d’avoir des Archives, sinon difficile de retrouver le lien

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