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Commentaire de Géronimo howakhan

sur L'espoir nouveau de guérir du sida...

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Julian Dalrimple-sikes Géronimo howakhan 23 février 2023 10:31

@Géronimo howakhan

extrait : What do a science fraudster, a scientist who is the victim of a misconception and a scientist who has uncovered the misconception have in common ? Actually not much, but in this story they are instrumental in ending the corona delusion with immediate effect and not only that, they have the power to send the complete virology into the realm of the damned. It would introduce the long and overdue paradigm shift in medicine. Why is this so important ? I will tell you ! It would not only end every pandemic, no, it would never be possible to claim one again, there would be no more vaccinations, it would take away people’s fear and most importantly, it would pave the way for a real medicine, universal biology.

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