You’ve said :
- « One has to ponder the mental landscape of a culture that would regress to the most bestial level of depravity. »
Quite strange what you said there ! Do you really think that a party of 2000 (or more, or less) people could be very reprensentative of what think all the Netherlands ? As this bloody publication has done, you stigmatize a country and all its culture. At least and at all !
- « Why doesn’t the European Commission on Human Rights examine these laws and condemn them ? »
Just probably they cannot condamn everything and perhaps because this new party is still not regognized by the Netherlands. Or because they think it’s good idea !
- « What is happening in Europe ? »
As some people, you might say that’s a similar way of the anarchist one. The European way, the true one, the Black, the Bad !. And big bullshit !
Cause as some people, you’ll have understood anything. Anarchy isn’t anything of this (fucking) party ideas (if I can say it’s an idea). Anarchy is just giving freedom for everybody and the only law is to break everything against.
Simple and radical, but quite honest !
- « 2000 years of civilization is being flushed down the toilet ? »
Thanks for the Celtic people ! (for example).
- « Why is there not an outcry of rage ? » There is. Yours, mine, and bloody scipion’s one as well (at least, we’re agry on it, meaning that we don’t like people fucking any children... and sorry for this word !). I just think that few bastards find the idea as a good revolution. I name that social regression.
That could be a little bit like the bullfight : because of the tradition, that’s good. Poor argument, isn’t it ?
Hope help you with my bad English. Cedric