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sur Lettre ouverte du vice-président du Parlement européen sur le trafic d'organes en Chine

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(---.---.25.222) 21 juin 2006 15:39

tiens je remets un deuxieme bemol : je me suis un peu rencardé sur ce Edward McMillan-Scott et je commence a saisir que ce zigoto se sert de sa position à l’interieur du parlement européen pour des objectifs, disons...autres...

alors, un peu de lecture : Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice-President of the European Parliament and chairman of the Democracy Caucus, said : "The EU needs a new strategic approach to democracy and human rights. The transformative effect of potential EU membership is reaching its limits ; countries like Russia are in democratic decline ; the Arab world is on the path to reform ; there is an expectation among reformists for a new EU engagement in their process.

"European instruments for democracy assistance, such as the €142 million EU Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) administered by the European Commission, have become inadequate in responding to new international challenges.

"A free-standing European Democracy Foundation, engaging with political and civil society in third countries, is a much-needed additional foreign policy instrument. It should combine a strategic focus with access to the experience of existing European civil and political society foundations.

"The proposed Foundation would operate at arms-length from - although largely funded by - the institutions of the EU, capable of timely responses to demands, primarily in the EU’s ’Neighbourhood’, and in sensitive countries worldwide.

« The Foundation should be a funding source, capable of operating at a greater level of responsiveness and risk than the EU institutions themselves. It would be expert, deniable and flexible. While offering an alternative to US assistance, it should complement its US counterpart, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), founded in 1983. »

pour ceux qui penseraient que le national endowment for democracy porte bien son nom, je vous conseille de vous reporter à ce lien : http://www.voltairenet.org/article12196.html je n’affirme evidemment pas que la branche europeenne sponsorisée par MacMillan-Scott (l’european democracy initiative) est aussi financée par la C.I.A. vu que j’en sais foutre rien mais bon, les objectifs au moins sont les memes...

tout ca pour dire que son « coup de sang » à base de prelevements d’organes (fantomes ?) commence a sonner vraiment telephoné.

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