Suite à la publication de « Loose Change » sur Agoravox j’avais été en contact avec Mike williams qui publie le site 911 Myths.
Ce site est tout à fait remarquable dans la mesure où par un travail de fourmi Mike Williams met à mal pas mal de thèses « conspirationnistes ».
Je lui avais demandé en particulier ce qu’il en était des agents Israéliens. Voici sa réponse :
Hello ........,
Huge apologies for not replying until now ! When your email first arrived I was really busy with other things, and then, to be honest, I forgot about it... But no excuses, it’s entirely my fault. I’m sorry !
Re : your question, you can read the claims about these Israelis at sites like
For a counter view, see and the May 115th entry at
Hope this helps ! And apologies again for the delay,
Mike Williams
Original Message ----- From : ..................... To : [email protected] Sent : Monday, March 27, 2006 2:17 PM Subject : Loose change
Dear Mr.Williams,
I came across your website on the occasion of a heated debate on the french website « AGORAVOX »related to« Loose Change ».(Last week)I was rather chocked by all the nonsense I could read on this forum.
I am not a strong believer of the various conspiracy theories but neither I am fully convinced by the official version as there appears to be many discrepancies and loose ends.
I have a question which I could not find on your site.
Just after 9/11 I could read in various newspapers(including American) that several young Israelis had been arrested in Florida.Apparently they pretended to be« art students » and were living in the very close neighbourhood of the place where several highjackers had been living.Do you have any piece of information on this ?
Best regards
J’ai passé en revue les liens(et autres liens subséquents) et il est bien entendu difficile d’arriver à une conclusion finale .En revanche ce qui semble incontestable c’est qu’au moment du 11/9 se trouvaient à proximité( en Floride) des« auteurs » un nombre élevé « d’élèves en art » Israéliens. Etaient-ils réellement des « élèves » ?
La question mérite d’être posée.....
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