« (..)c’est un peuple qui ne cherche aucune dignité civile ».
Source :
Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht abgefaßt. Königsberg 1798.
Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht abgefaßt. Königsberg 1800.
« Caption : »Grenadier Street. In this Jewish district of Berlin, a German feels as if he is in enemy territory. He is watched, surrounded, followed. A half dozen Hebrew newspapers are printed. Here the police uncover breeding grounds of criminal and political vermin. Caption : « Eastern Jewish districts develop... What Kant called »a nation of cheaters« moved to the promised land of Germany »(p. # 16 & 18, "The Eternal Jew (1937) Photographs from a 1937 Nazi anti-Semitic book. ... 265 photographs in a book called The Eternal Jew, published by the Nazi Party’s publishing house in ... Eastern Jewish districts develop... What Kant called « a nation of cheaters »" ; www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/diebow.htm).
« La finta »Rice« brucia la bandiera della pace »(Corriere della Sera, 27.7.’06).
« Massimo D`Alema ha introdotto il documento finale elaborato dai partecipanti alla conferenza internazionale sul Libano di Roma »(Subito una forza internazionale di pace, 26.7.’07, www.italianosdargentina.com.ar).
Attentat antichiite a Rome !
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