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En réponse à :

aobc 22 juillet 2012 17:19


Philip K.Dick Paycheck - 1952 :

The machine predicts a war, and we go to war to avert it.
It predicts a pIague. We herd aII the sick together, create a pIague.

Whatever future this PREDICTS.......,WE MAKE HAPPEN.
We give over controI of our Iives compIeteIy.

 Seeing the future wiII destroy US.
 If you show someone their future, they have no future.

 If you take away the mystery,you take away hope.


ESPOIR...... quel merveilleux « PETIT » mystère.......

l´Effet Mpemba : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effet_Mpemba

Bon dimanche, cordialement aobc

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