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Gonzague Gonzague 28 février 2013 11:16

Rater un article ? C’est simple comme bonjour ! Vous mélangez des trucs fondés à des inepties incroyables. 

Le coup de Ben Laden à Dubai, par exemple, et c’est même un copain de reopen911 qui le dit : 

« Author Richard Labeviere later wrote a book, where he said »a Gulf prince who presented himself as an adviser to the Emir of Bahrain« confirmed the meeting, which had been arranged by Prince Turki al-Faisal of Saudi Arabia. This was the plan.
 »By organizing this meeting...Turki thought he could start direct negotiations between the Saudi millionaire (bin Ladin) and the CIA on one fundamental point : that bin Ladin and his supporters end their hostilities against American interests." In exchange, the CIA and the Saudi (intelligence) services undertook to allow bin Ladin to return to his native country, even though he was stripped of his Saudi nationality in July 1994. The Dubai meeting was a failure, Labeviere said.

Quant au coup de Benazir Butho, là c’est un mensonge pur et simple. Sa langue a fourché : (vu que vous aimez les vidéos) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q-EwOXKXJ0

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