CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July (The Guardian, 1/11/2001)
Fearing Harm, bin Laden Kin Fled From US (New York Times, 30/9/2001)
FBI Knew Terrorists Were Using Flight Schools (The Washington Post, 23/9/2001)
US ’planned attack on Taleban’ (BBC News, 18/9/2001)
Bin Laden comes home to roost (MSNBC News, 24/8/1998)
SEAL’s book contradicts official report (San Francisco Chronicle/Associated Press, 29/8/2012)
Top official admits FBI had al-Awlaki in custody before letting him go in 2002, Fox News (1/8/2012)
Graham : Still no FBI records on Sarasota 9/11 probe (Miami Herald, 10/11/2011)
National Archives sits on 9/11 Commission records (Reuters, 8/9/2011)
Osama Bin Laden never charged for 9/11 (International Business Times, 2/5/2011)
World’s media tricked by fake bin Laden photo (New Zealand Herald, 2/5/2011)
Digging Deeper : Jesse Ventura’s Alternative Take on American History (ABC News, 4/4/2011)
C.I.A. Secrets Could Surface in Swiss Nuclear Case (New York Times, 24/12/2010)
WikiLeaks and 9/11 : What if ? (Los Angeles Times, 15/10/2010)
Witnesses in Defense Dept. Report Suggest Cover-Up of 9/11 Findings (Fox News, 4/10/2010)
CIA hired Karzai brother before 9/11, Woodward says (Washington Post, 30/9/2010)
Was 9/11 a conspiracy ? ‘Truthers’ make their case (The Globe and Mail, 26/11/2009)
Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years - and are the U.S. and
Britain covering it up to continue war on terror ? (Daily Mail,
The 9/11 Commission and Torture (Newsweek Magazine, 14/3/2009)
Bush Sought ’Way’ To Invade Iraq ? (CBS News 60 Minutes, 11/2/2009)
Bruce Ivins Wasn’t the Anthrax Culprit (Wall Street Journal, 5/8/2008)
9/11 Commission Chief’s Ties to White House (Sydney Morning Herald, 8/3/2008)
Rudy, interrupted (MSNBC, 29/5/2007)
Call to reopen Oklahoma bomb case (BBC News, 2/3/2007)
The 9/11 Truth Movement’s Dangers (CBS News/The Nation, 10/12/2006)
Was 9/11 an ’inside job’ ? (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/8/2006)
9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon (Washington Post, 2/8/2006)
9/11 Attacks : Avoiding the hard questions (Miami Herald, 1/2/2006)
Senators Accuse Pentagon of Obstructing Inquiry on Sept. 11 Plot (New York Times, 22/9/2005)
Court Dismisses FBI Contractor’s Suit Against U.S. (Washington Post, 7/5/2005)
FBI Chief Acknowledges 9/11 Errors (CBS News, 30/5/2002)
US media cowed by patriotic fever, says CBS star (The Guardian, 17/5/2002)
Bush Opposes 9/11 Query Panel (CBS News, 15/5/2002)
Planning for Terror but Failing to Act (New York Times, 30/12/2001)
America’s pipe dream (The Guardian, 23/12/2001)
Warnings : Earlier Hijackings Offered Signals That Were Missed (New York Times, 3/10/2001)
Scarred Steel Holds Clues, And Remedies (New York Times, 2/10/2001)
Plane Lands In Cleveland ; Bomb Feared Aboard (WCPO - Cincinnati’s ABC Affiliate, 11/9/2001)
Colorful Outsider Is Named No. 3 at the CIA (Washington Post, 17/3/2001)
Classified documents contradict FBI on post-9/11 probe of Saudis, ex-senator says (MSNBC,
Toronto Hearings to examine ’state crime’ of 9/11 (Montreal Gazett, 9//9/2011)
Investigative Panel Releases 13 Consensus Statements of Evidence
Opposing the Official Account of 9/11 (MarketWatch-Wall Street Journal
Digital Network, 9/9/2011)
35,000 Worldwide Convicted for Terror (ABC News/Associated Press, 3/9/2011)
Cost of War at Least $3.7 Trillion and Counting (New York Times, 29/6/2011)
Osama bin Laden dead : Blackout during raid on bin Laden compound (The Telegraph, 4/5/2011)
Yukoner tackles 9/11 Korean Air ’hijackings’ mystery (MSN Canada/CBC, 25/4/2011)
9/11 conspiracy theories rife in Muslim world (Washington Post / Associated Press, 2/10/2010)
Secrets in Plain Sight in Censored Book’s Reprint (New York Times, 18/9/2010)
A leading Japanese politician espouses a 9/11 fantasy (Washington Post, 8/3/2010)
Twin Towers, Twin Myths ? (Santa Barbara Independent, 17/9/2009)
Lost In Translation (CBS News 60 Minutes, 10/9/2009)
Sheen wants to discuss his 9/11 theories with Obama (Houston Chronicle, 9/9/2009)
The Alarming Record of the F.B.I.’s Informant in the Bronx Bomb Plot (Village Voice, 7/7/2009)
Historic Broadcast of « 9/11 Press For Truth » (KBDI-TV Colorado Public Television station, 6/6/2009)
The truth is out there (Financial Times, 7/6/2008)
9/11 Commission controversy (NBC News, 30/1/2008)
Ex-9/11 Panel Chief Denies Secret White House Ties (ABC News, 30/1/2008)
Osama Flight Shocker (New York Post, 21/6/2007)
FBI Terror Watch List (ABC News, 13/6/2007)
An explosion of disbelief - fresh doubts over 9/11 (The Daily Mail, 9/2/2007)
Hotel security video shows 9/11 Pentagon blast, but no plane (CNN, 2/12/2006)
’State secrets privilege’ blocks fired translator from suing FBI (USA Today, 24/11/2006)
Bin Laden, Most Wanted For Embassy Bombings ? (Washington Post, 28/8/2006)
The 9/11 Commission Second-Guesses the Pentagon (CNN News, 2/8/2006)
The Ground Zero Grassy Knoll (New York Magazine, 27/3/2006)
FBI Agent Slams Bosses at Moussaoui Trial (CBS News/Associated Press, 21/3/2006)
More than half of the U.S. House of Representatives wants open hearings on Able Danger
(US House of Representatives Website of Curt Weldon (R-Pa), 18/11/2005)
Congressman Curt Weldon’s Speech to Congress
(Official Website of Congressman Weldon (R-Pa), 19/11/2005)
9/11 Revealed : Challenging the Facts behind the War on Terror (The Sunday Times, 4/9/2005)
Who Blew the Leads ? (Time Magazine, 20/6/2005)
Controllers’ tale of Flight 11 (Christian Science Monitor, 11/5/2005)
Dayton : FAA, NORAD hid 9/11 failures (Minneapolis Star Tribune, 31/7/2004)
Ex-minister attacks US over war (BBC News, 6/9/2003)
Unanswered questions : The mystery of Flight 93 (The Independent, 13/8/2002)
Bush asks Daschle to limit Sept. 11 probes (CNN, 29/1/2002)
Report : Bin Laden Already Dead (Fox News, 26/12/2001)
Threat of US strikes passed to Taliban weeks before NY attack (The Guardian, 22/9/2001)
’Zero Dark Thirty’ : Why the fabrication ? (Los Angeles Times, 23/12/2012)
Expert Panel Reports False Accounts of US Political and Military Leaders on 9/11(MarketWatch-WSJ, 5/6/2012)
9/11 defense attorneys call Guantánamo detention, trial rules ‘unjust’ (Miami Herald, 6/5/2012)
How the world changed after 9/11 (The Guardian, 12/9/2011)
A decade after the 9/11 attacks, Americans live in an era of endless war (Washington Post, 4/9/2011)
Australian trade union president claims 9/11 was a conspiracy (The Telegraph, 20/10/2010)
Al Qaeda Leader Dined at the Pentagon Just Months After 9/11 (Fox News, 20/10/2010)
Jesse Ventura searches for coverups (Los Angeles Times, 29/11/2009)
9/11’s delayed legacy : cancer for many of the rescue workers (The Guardian, 11/11/2009)
A Window Into C.I.A.’s Embrace of Secret Jails (New York Times, 13/8/2009)
Fire, Not Explosives, Felled 3rd Tower on 9/11, Report Says (New York Times, 21/8/2008)
Gov’t says FBI agents can’t testify about 9/11 (International Herald Tribune/Associated Press, 19/6/2008)
Bush Aware of Advisers’ Interrogation Talks (ABC News, 11/4/2008)
O Brother, Who Art Thou ? (Washington Post, 15/11/2007)
Was Bin Laden’s last video faked ? (MSNBC, 29/11/2007)
The American Empire and 9/11 by Prof. David Ray Griffin (Tikkun Magazine - March/April 2007)
Ex-employee says FAA warned before 9/11 (USA Today, 24/11/2006)
Dick Cheney’s Song of America (Harpers Magazine, 26/10/2005)
Atta known to Pentagon before 9/11 (Chicago Tribune, 28/9/2005)
Judge in Moussaoui Case Blocks Release of Sept. 11 Report (Washington Post, 30/4/2005)
Secrecy quashes whistle-blower case (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 18/7/2004)
U.S. sought attack on al-Qaida (MSNBC News, 16/5/2002)
Former marine held involuntarily over Facebook posts now plans to sue FBI (The Guardian, 29/8/2012)
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