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morice morice 7 mai 2013 13:27

C’est vieux ces légendes sur les pirates soi-disants encore vivants ! Il s’agissait soit de noms mal orthographiés soit d’homonymes. Ils ont bien morts et n’ont jamais reparu.

homonymes ???

« . The pilot Waleed al-Shehri who came forward after 9/11 has a different name to the hijacker, for instance »

« This man has a different name, al-Hamzi instead of al-Hazmi (although that could be a typo, it’s a mixup we’ve made frequently). He also has a different age, has never been to America, and doesn’t mention the allegations about his brother, Nawaf. Perhaps he doesn’t have a brother of that name ?. Not exactly convincing proof that he’s the same person. »

The FBI, evidently aware of the need for more precision, has added initials where available to updated lists of the hijackers. For instance, the bureau said in a report to federal banking authorities that the terrorist originally identified as « Salem Alhazmi » was Salem M.S. Alhazmi.

The original listing prompted a Salem Ibrahim Ahmed Alhazmi, who works at a government-owned petrochemical complex in Saudi Arabia, to step forward and say that he had never been to the United States. He also said his passport had been stolen by a pickpocket on a trip to Cairo three years ago.

[Chief of the Saudi Embassy’s information office] Allagany said he is still counting this Alhazmi as someone whose identity had been stolen. He did not consider the difference in middle names and initials between Salem Ibrahim Ahmed Alhazmi and Salem M.S. Alhazmi to be persuasive.

marrant au final : Tsarnaev non plus le FBI ne SAVAIT PAS l’ECRIRE....



même excuse....

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