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morice morice 5 septembre 2013 11:56

encore vos CONNERIES ??? 

In the mid-1980’s, Mark was approached by Lockheed to create some artwork for a second generation aircraft in a family of vehicles that later became know as the « Aurora », 

il n’a jamais été « appelé » : il n’ a été qu’un technicien réparateur de radars sur les avions F-106 Convair : rien à voir avec Lockheed...

In late 1988 Mark became aware of a specific program developed by Lockheed Skunkworks under the name of « Alien Reproduction Vehicle » or « ARV »

Il n’y a jamais eu de projet portant ce nom chez Locheed !

Mark later became a witness in The Disclosure Project of Dr. Stephen Greer, speaking along with 21 other witnesses before the press at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. in May of 2001

il a rejoint l’équipe de tarés qui mélange comme lui chemtrais, reptiliens ; extra terrestres et soucoupes nazies !

Il est DESSINATEUR de fictions ; le dessin de l’Aurora, c’est lui qui l’a IMAGINE !

comment pouvez vous croire ses SORNETTES ??? c’et incroyable ça ! 
exemple de conneries

His colleague, Brad Sorenson, with whom he studied, has been inside a facility at Norton Air Force Base, where he witnessed alien reproduction vehicles, or ARVs, that were fully operational and hovering. In his testimony, you will learn that the US not only has operational antigravity propulsion devices, but we have had them for many, many years, and they have been developed through the study, in part, of extraterrestrial vehicles over the past fifty years. In addition, we have the drawing from aerospace inventor Brad Sorenson of the devices that he saw, as well as a schematic of one of these alien reproduction vehicles - in some remarkable detail.

le NOM, c’est lui et son copain Sorenson qui l’ont INVENTE

Well, this craft was what they called the Alien Reproduction Vehicle ; it was also nicknamed the Flux Liner. This antigravity propulsion system - this flying saucer - was one of three that were in this hangar at Norton Air Force Base.

en plus ils sont assez CONS pour avouer eux-mêmes avoir tout inventé ! « THEY CALLED » : ça n’a JAMAIS été un projet de Lockheed !

vous prenez des REVES pour des réalités !!

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