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elpepe elpepe 22 septembre 2015 13:07

Bonjour Morice

The use of chlorine gas in bombs is not very effective as a weapon to kill people. However, HRW said it appeared the Syrian military was using the chlorine to terrorize residents into believing they had been gassed, even if many of the victims were not killed.


Le diable est toujours dans les details

Aussi les recommandations d l officine OTAN

’under Islamic law’ plus que suspect comme recommendation et hote beaucoup de credibilite a leurs rapports et neutralite ( le diable est encore dans les details), en plus on fait marcher le tiroir caisse en meme temps.

Genocide Watch offers the following recommendations :

  • The Arab League, Turkey, the Islamic Conference, and other nations should demand an immediate cease-fire in Syria, with full rights for non-violent protest.
  • The Arab League and Turkey should quickly create an Islamic Court to try al-Assad and other Syrian officials for crimes against humanity under Islamic law ;
  • The Arab League, Turkey, European Union, US and other nations should impose targeted national and regional sanctions against financial accounts, visas, and businesses owned by top officials of the Syrian regime and its army ;
  • Arab and NATO nations should offer to cooperate with Russia to airlift and ship in humanitarian and medical relief supplies to all parts of Syria ;
  • The UN General Assembly should pass another resolution demanding fully protected access for UN and international aid workers and journalists to all areas of Syria

En resume personne n etait la bas, voir tous les temoigagnes sont en majorite parti prenante car tres peu de Journalistes etaient sur place

Beaucoup de propagande et d interets caches, entre toutes les parties prenantes et il sont nombreux, Ce n’est pas une guerre, mais la syrie est seulement un terrain de guerre, le gaz et la geopolitique etant l enjeu, cela est indeniable.

Force est de constater que avant la deflagration du conflit et pseudo soulevement (lui prouve organise et soutenu exterieurement) le pays se portait plutot bien et c etait une republique laique multi-confessionelle.


Bien que Mr Meyssan soit totalement parti pris, beaucoup d elements sont troublants meme s il a ecrit biensur sa propre interpretation des faits ...


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