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En réponse à :

vigneron 30 mai 2016 12:50

@agent ananas
J’ai bien peur pour le clown Huguenard que ce soit tout vu.

« A fake report trending on social media claims that the Huffington Post is reporting that Hillary and Bill Clinton « will be the targets of racketeering charges soon to be brought by the FBI. » This is a variation on the typical hoax stories, in that an entry was posted on the HuffPo’s « contributor platform » for a short time before disappearing.

« Contributors control their own work and post freely to our site, » according to the Huffington Post. In other words, it was a « contributor » who posted a story without sourcing. But before editors were alerted and removed it, it was shared among conservative Twitter accounts and reinterpreted as a legitimate story. » 


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