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Julian Dalrimple-sikes Julian Dalrimple-sikes 13 janvier 10:00

The temperature on earth is influenced by a variety of natural factors. Here are the 20 most important influences.

1. ** Solar radiation** :
the amount of energy that the Earth receives from the sun.
2. ** Solar cycle** :
the 11-year cycle of solar activity that affects the intensity of solar radiation.
3. ** Earth orbit variations (Milanković cycles)** :
changes in the eccentricity, obliquity and precession of the Earth’s orbit that affect the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth.
4. ** Albedo** :
the reflectivity of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere.
5. ** Volcanic activity** :
eruptions that release aerosols and gases into the atmosphere, which can cause temporary cooling.
6. ** Oceanic circulation** :
flow patterns in the oceans such as the Gulf Stream and El Niño/La Niña.
7. ** Atmospheric circulation** :
wind patterns such as the Hadley cells and the jet stream.
8. **Cloud formation** :
clouds can cause both warming (due to greenhouse effect) and cooling (due to reflection of sunlight).
9. ** Ice sheets and glaciers** :
their size and melting affect albedo and sea level.
10. ** Ground cover** :
vegetation, sand, snow, and ice affect the amount of absorbed and reflected solar energy.
11. ** Geothermal activity** :
heat from the Earth’s interior that comes to the surface.
12. ** Terrestrial magnetic field** :
may affect cosmic rays and cloud formation.
13. ** Lunar influence** :
tidal forces that can indirectly affect ocean currents.
14. ** Cosmic radiation** :
may affect cloud formation.
15. ** Sea level variations** :
changes in sea level affect the heat capacity of the oceans.
16. ** Plateau and mountain formation** :
changes in topography can affect regional climate patterns.
17. ** Atmospheric dust** :
dust particles in the atmosphere that can reflect or absorb sunlight.
18. ** Humidity** :
water vapor is a powerful greenhouse gas.
19. ** Methane emissions from natural sources** :
such as swamps and oceans.
20. ** Forest fires (natural)** :
released smoke and aerosols can block sunlight and lead to cooling.
These factors act on different time scales and with different intensities and variably affect the temperature of the Earth.
This has been happening for hundreds of thousands of years !!
Denying these influences with the title « climate deniers » is total insanity.
"Climate hysteria" is the new belief, in which truth, facts and knowledge of the mentioned influences no longer play any role at all.
The « experts » say...
« Investigations » point out...
That is determined by this ’study’... Etc.etc.etc...
Dear Climate hysterians, ask yourselves who finances all the climate hysteria, and who then raises billions

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