Euh vraiment rien ? 24 000 personnes au chômage, un trou de 19,1 milliards de dollars et le point de départ d’une déflation US et ce ne serait rien ? Les investisseurs sont mondiaux :
"Citigroup, which earlier raised $7.5 billion from the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority to improve its capital, said it had raised an additional $12.5 billion from a number of investors, including the Government of Singapore Investment"et "At the same time, Merrill Lynch announced it had issued $6.6 billion in preferred stock to the Kuwait Investment Authority, the Korean Investment Corporation, Mizhuo Financial Group, a Japanese bank and other investors, including the New Jersey pension fund and a Saudi investment fund. That is in addition to the $4.4 billion it raised in December from Temasek Holdings of Singapore."
et le conclusion :
Citigroup, which has a large consumer lending business, sounded some warning bells on Tuesday that the American economy was turning.
Et sil dollar tombe... à part ça, rien, vraiment rien ??
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