The real story of Momo, the real resistant.
Following the election of Nicolas Sarkozy on 6th May 2007, life continued normally for many in France. However, the Sarkowist occupation authorities and the collaborationist regime began employing increasingly brutal means in order to subdue the French population, and although the majority of people neither collaborated nor resisted the occupation,the authorities’ unpopular acts provoked movements of active and passive resistance among a discontent minority.
The French resistance involved men and women of all ages, social classes, occupations, religions and political movements.
The first and only true famous resistant was Alfred Meumeu (alias Morice, or better known as Momo) who went into resistance on 6th May 2007 at 8pm after the french television TF1 illegaly declared Sarkowy the first and only president of the Banana Republic.
Morice was born and died in the city of Tourcoing (now city of Meumeu). A bronze plaque posted on his home door says :”here lived and died the famous resistant Albert Meumeu from an electric shock from his computer while making real resistance with his computer against the horrible ennemy”.
Momo was an undercover publisher of the most resistant articles on the world wide famous free press Agoravox.
Momo was also representative that signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact , was the secretary of the bureau of the international real resitance against Sarkowy, and the most famous Trolls chaser.
Morice was also a real big resistant poet and very open minded writer, his best known poem was awarded with the famous “ Prix Albert of the La grande foire commerciale d’Automne de Tourcoing”.
Segolene Royal, the new President made obligatory for the pupils of CM2 to read, understand and share an extract of his poem which is given here below. (english translation not available) :
“Au point qu’à partir de CE POST je ne répondrai PLUS au lot d’abrutis qui cherchent à me faire taire. Je continuerais à écrire, certains se reconnaitrons obligatoirement, mais je ne REPONDS PLUS à votre débilité profonde, attisée de post en post par des gens qui sont INCAPABLES de respecter quoi que ce soit ou qui que ce soit. Qu’on n’annonce pas demain la mort de Bétancourt, car avec votre attitude sectaire d’irresponsables absolus, vous pourrez hériter justement et sans problème d’une part de responsabilité : des gens continueront à mourir dans le monde avec la bande de nombrilistes que vous représentez ! j’en ai marre de passer mes soirées à vous répondre, j’arrête, je n’engage plus aucun débat avec vous. C’est impossible. Vous ne savez qu’injurier, provoquer, foutre la zone, être irrespectueux du boulot d’info qu’on peut faire. Je ne répondrai qu’à ceux qui en vaudront la peine ; désormais, et pas à ce quarteron de malfaisants et de malpolis.Vous êtes assez grands pour vous reconnaitre, j’espère, inutile de citer les noms. Ils sont tous dans le forum ouvert sur ce texte, dont AUCUN de ces trolls n’a évoqué le contenu ....”
Like the French say : Chapeau bas, Momo
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