Autre façon de voir : on bombarde dans le vide en ce moment...
I know who the local Taleban are. I know them personally. Some of them are my distant relatives. A friend of mine works for the police here and he knows them too, but he can’t do anything. The ISI [Inter-Services Intelligence] targeted and destroyed the police force structure, clearing ground for Taleban activities.
In the past, when people have come forward with the details of Taleban they know, they have been betrayed.
So I don’t know who we can trust with that information now.
Everybody here is against the Taleban. But for me there is a big question mark over the dedication of the Pakistani army.
The Taleban have their own FM radio station. How come they can be traced by foreign media to give interviews, but they can’t be traced and killed by the Pakistani army ?
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