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En réponse à :

morice morice 6 août 2009 10:00

excellente info

Though the reclusive Erik Prince stepped down as CEO of the private security company Blackwater (recently renamed Xe) in March, some explosive new headlines have put him back in the spotlight. According to a report in The Nation, an ex-Blackwater employee has alleged in federal testimony that Prince may have been involved in the murder of unnamed individuals assisting a federal investigation into Blackwater’s actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. The individual also claims Blackwater’s culture encouraged killings in Iraq as part of a larger « crusade » against Muslims. The affidavit, one of two submitted Aug 3. to a Virginia federal court, is anonymous. The individuals say they fear retribution from Prince.


on reprend la lecture alors :

dès janvier 2008 :

http://cozop.com/morice_agoravox/materiel_inadapte_mercenaires_azimuthes_so ldats_sacrifies



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