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brieli67 5 juin 2010 12:12

« Flotilla- We con the world »


91177info  4 juin 2010 — The creative force behind this video is funded by ultra-conservative American Zionists. Hebrew-language « satire » website Latma produced a funny web video about the deadly raid by Israeli commandos on an aid flotilla headed for Gaza in which 9 activists, including an American citizen, were killed. The video is a laugh riot, especially if you love Israeli Jews dressing up as dead Palestinians and Muslims (and British and American activists) and singing funny songs : 
In the comments, a self-described liberal Jew takes pains to note that while he supports not taking this whole thing so « ominously serious, » this video might make other liberal American Jews view Israel negatively. He is promptly called a JINO.

Latma’s editor, and the creative force behind the video, is Caroline Glick. Glick is the deputy-managing editor of The Jerusalem Post. But more importantly, she’s the Senior Fellow for Middle East Affairs of the Center for Security Policy.

CSP is a far-right think tank founded by Reagan-era Defense Department official and « Scoop » Jackson protege Frank Gaffney. The board is made up of representatives of defense contractors who do business with Israel and the most implacably hawkish members of the neocon Republican foreign policy establishment. It’s funded in large part by ultra-conservative American Zionists.

More in depth info here-

Original uploader LatmaTV-

فلسطين اسرائيل من قطاع غزة راشيل كوري حقوق اسطول قوارب اليهود الدمار الشامل غاندي الاميرة ديانا أوباما بالكذب الحرب ضد الارهاب ايباك السياسيين المستوطنين المجرمين الجرائم جدول أعمال وكالة المخابرات المركزية اسرائيل مستوطنات الاحتلال في الشرق الأوسط النظام العالمي الجديد مجزرة التركية مظاهرات قنبلة نووية أطفال غزة المحتل الصهيوني الاراضي الفلسطينية تذكر الأشرطة المخفية ايران رهينة القراصنة تركيا الحرية مرمرة

Filistin İsrail Rachel Corrie gaza hakları flotilla tekneler kitle imha jews ghandi prenses diana obama yalan siyasilerin savaş karşıtı yerleşimciler AIPAC gündem suçları suçluların terör cia israel yerleşim işgal ortadoğu yeni dünya düzeni Türk katliamı nükleer bomba gösteriler Gazze’de çocuklar İşgal Altındaki Filistin Toprakları Siyonist iran gizli kasetleri hatırlıyorum rehin korsanlar özgürlük marmara türkiye

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