Même l’extrême droite n’y croit plus : regardez donc Glenn Beck se foutre de la tronche de Gadhan ! si entre bœufs ça en est là... purée quel niveau !
« Al Qaeda’s American spokesman, Adam Gadahn, called for more attacks on the US and praised the murder of 13 US soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, in November 2009 ».
et 10 mois après tout le monde se fout de sa gueule ?
or la vidéo comme celle de Awlaki évoquent quoi ? Un attentat à la Mumabai, pardi !
And while it doesn’t appear that either video has anything to do with it, the releases are being framed as sign of a growing threatcentered around the ill-defined “Mumbai-style” terror plot that officials have been on about since yesterday.
The previous Mumbai attack was never tied to al-Qaeda, and officials haven’t gotten any farther with their new “plot,” except for mentions that it might be an “al-Qaeda” linked group of some sort or another.
voilà que tout à coup on relie Mumbai à Al Quaida....
décidément, on tourne bien en rond autour de ...David Headley !
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