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morice morice 22 octobre 2010 14:13


His apparent connection to the September 11 attacks was one of many embarrassments for the FBI. Awlaki was under investigation in 1999, but the agency concluded he was not a danger and shut down the operation a year later. After the September 11 attacks, the FBI interviewed Awlaki four times, and one detective told the 9/11 Commission that he believed he “was at the centre of the 9/11 story”. It is believed that he kept the hijackers “spiritually focused”.

le FBI l’a « interviewé » et ailleurs l’armée dit qu’elle n’a pas transmis son « invitation » ? Mais ça devient GROS, là ....

Despite the FBI’s suspicions, Awlaki was able to return to Yemen in 2002. Perhaps unsurprisingly, he later turned up in London, where he stayed for two years, speaking at conferences hosted by British Muslim organisations. However, he did not come to MI5’s notice until after he returned to Yemen in 2004. It was about then that Awlaki made the transition from preacher to operational terrorist mastermind, using his charismatic appeal and jihadi rhetoric to fire up potential recruits.

Il est autorisé à retourner au Yemen « en 2002 » et ENSUITE RESTE 2 ans à Londres : ça nous conduit en...2004.

Six mois après, le résultat :


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