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morice morice 23 octobre 2010 01:45

mise au point :`

l’iran a bien fourni des armes (des Ieds)
that Iran supplied many of the Iraq insurgency’s deadliest weapons, and worked hand-in-glove with some of its most lethal militias.
armes chimiques aussi

One report from 2006 claims “neuroparalytic” chemical weapons from Iran were smuggled into Iraq. 

les prisons secrétes : BINGO
Abu Ghraib and Missing Jails

The Abu Ghraib detainee-abuse scandal was one of the worst strategic debacles in recent U.S. history. Aides to Gen. David Petraeus candidly said it inspired foreign fighters to join the Iraq insurgency.

Only one prison scandal came to light after Abu Ghraib : torture at the Special Ops facility known as “Camp Nama.” But journalists lost visibility into how the United States ran its detention complex in Iraq. Only in 2007, when Petraeus put Maj. Gen. Doug Stone in charge of rehabbing captured insurgents, did any sunlight return.

What happened for three years in the U.S. jails where tens of thousands of Iraqis were held ?`


Lost U.S. Guns

The Government Accountability Office reported in 2007 that the military had simply lost nearly 200,000 AK-47s and pistols it intended for Iraqi soldiers and police. Its documentation was a mess in 2004 and ‘05, when Petraeus ran the training mission. Many of those guns are believed to have made their way to the black market and to insurgents.

The leaks may shed some light on how thousands of guns fell off the back of a truck.

C’est PETRAEUS qui va faire la TRONCHE demain : le revoilà vêtu pour l’hiver là !! 

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