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morice morice 8 janvier 2011 15:26

euh restons en au sujet.

un complément intéressant ici :

Wargaming, including an extensive simulation by Rand, has shown that the U.S. would generate a 6-1 kill ratio over Chinese aircraft, but the Americans would lose. Even if every U.S. missile destroyed an opponent, there would still be enough surviving attackers to shred U.S. tankers, command and control and intelligence-gathering aircraft, says Andrew Davies, program director for operations and capabilities, Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) in an interview with Aviation Week.
“I would say that the military balance is undoubtedly shifting as China’s military expands faster than other regional nations,” Willard told a reporter for Japan’s Asahi Shimbun newspaper. “We have not seen an over-water test of the entire [ASBM] system. “The anti-access/area-denial capabilities, fully employed, will present a challenge to military operations in the region. That will have to be overcome.”

ça confirme ce que je raconte, donc

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