Ce qui suit est relatif aux réseaux « Stay-behind » (Gladio en Italie, etc) et pourrait vous intéresser (notamment dans la mesure où certains réseaux de ce genre semblent avoir servi à autre chose qu’à une défense en cas d’invasion). De « Stay-behind », on passe à Wisner (père et fils) et à ... Sarkozy ...
D’abord un extrait d’un livre récent :
America’s Nazi Secret : An Insider’s History
John Loftus (Author)
Publisher : TrineDay LLC
ISBN : 13 : 978-1-936296-04-0 : 10:1-936296-04-7
John Loftus’s America’s Nazi Secret could not have come at a more appropriate time. Just a few weeks ago a 600-page report was released concerning a secret history of the USA’s government’s involvement of the creation of a « safe haven » in the USA for hundreds of Nazis and their collaborators after World War II- a report which the Justice Department had attempted to keep secret for four years. ( ... )
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Loftus parle longuement (pas seulement dans cet extrait) de Frank Wisner Senior.
Dans la famille Wisner, le père et le fils qui nous intéresse portent le même nom !
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Frank Gardiner Wisner (23 juin 1909 - 29 octobre 1965) fut directeur des opérations de l’Office of Strategic Services (OSS) en Europe du Sud. Il devint directeur de la planification lorsque l’OSS devint CIA, ce qui faisait de lui de facto le chef des réseaux stay-behind de l’OTAN.
Il épousa Mary Knowles Fritchey dont il eut quatre enfants : l’ambassadeur Frank G. Wisner , Ellis Wisner, Graham Wisner et Elizabeth ’Wendy’ Hazard.
Il sombra dans la folie et se serait suicidé.
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The Power Elite : Enron and Frank Wisner
On 28 October 1997, Enron Corporation announced the entry of Frank G. Wisner Jr. onto its board of directors. Most of the business press did not find this untoward and it certainly did not emerge as part of the US discussions on corruption at the highest level. Frank Wisner, as we know in India, was the US Ambassador from 1994 until this year and his entry into Enron must be seen in light of the scandal of Dabhol. Enron, like most US corporations, uses its close association with the state (both its elected and bureaucratic arms) for its own ends. ( ... )
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http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php ?title=Frank_Wisner
Frank G. Wisner, Jr. Vice Chairman, American International Group,
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Frank George Wisner II (born 1938) is an American businessman and former diplomat. He is the son of Frank Wisner.
Wisner was Vice Chairman of American International Group. He retired from this post as of February 13, 2009, according to an internal AIG memo issued by Edward Liddy, CEO.
( ... )
After retiring from government service in 1997, Wisner joined the board at a subsidiary of Enron, the former energy company. He is also on the board of Hakluyt & Company, a British corporate investigation firm.
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Wisner is married to Christine de Ganay (former wife of Pal Sarkozy and former stepmother of French president Nicolas Sarkozy), and they have four children.
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