Vous avez le droit, morice, de vouloir être le tout dernier à abandonner l’odieux amalgame qui fait de l’islamophobie « une xénophobie, un racisme, une haine des musulmans… »
Jensen is a staunch supporter of Israel, and claims to « not [be] afraid to defend Israel’s right to defend itself. » She visited the Israeli city of Sderot in the summer of 2008, and experienced Hamas bombing first hand, and said that she and others had to « run for the air-raid shelter ». She strongly opposed the Norwegian government’s decision to recognise Hamas as she holds that « you don’t negotiate with terrorists, you just don’t. »[17]
In January 2009, in light of the Gaza War, she also held an appeal at a demonstration called « Let Israel live » in support of Israel in Oslo. The Progress Party’s general Israel-policy, supported by the appearance at the demonstration by Jensen and the fact that Christian Democratic Party leader Dagfinn Høybråtenhad not joined the demonstration, resulted in many Christian Democratic voters fleeing to the Progress Party.[33] Soon after, the Norwegian Police Security Service went public, fearing that Jensen might be the target of an attack by « some ». Jensen herself did however not fear any trouble.[34] While political scientists had speculated that the Progress Party would lose more voters than they would gain by this strong support for Israel,[35][36] polls rather seemed to show a slight increase in support for the party.[3
elle a du souci à se faire avec ça : elle a cherché à étouffer cette affaire :
Criticism from within their own ranks continued to assail leaders of the Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet, Frp) during the weekend, with some party veterans calling for both their secretary general Geir Mo and leader Siv Jensen to “evaluate their positions” with en eye to resigning them. Mo and Jensen were holding fast, and defend their handling of the party’s latest sex scandal.
Jensen finally softened her position somewhat, and admitted she had known about allegations that her trusted adviser and party official Trond Birkedal had sex with a 15-year-old boy. So did Mo, and it was Mo who told newspaper Aftenposten Saturday that when he first heard about them, in the fall of 2009, he reported them to his superior (Jensen), in line with party routines.
Their critics now claim that Mo and Jensen failed to properly follow up on the allegations. Several Progress Party officials have claimed that they should have offered the 15-year-old more guidance, taken up the issue with his parents, and questioned Birkedal more thoroughly. Neither Mo nor Jensen went to the police, but defend themselves vigorously on that point, with both claiming that only victims of an alleged crime (which sex with a minor is in Norway) can file police charges.
après elle peut toujours essayer de parler burkas ou de Mahomet comme pédophile, je pense....
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