Jean-Michel Billaut
Jean-Michel Billaut
Born the 29th avril 1945
Married, 2 children (and a big dog)
Studies in Economic Sciences (PhD level - 1970 ), and Informatics (1968)
1971-1973 : Junior Economist at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Paris
Since 1973 : Compagnie Bancaire Goup - bought by Paribas in 1998, then by BNP in 1999.
Now BNP/Paribas Group (one of the first bank in euro zone).
1973-1978 : Senior Economist in the Group
1978-1989 : VP in charge of Communication, and chairman of the «
Centre d’Information et d’Etudes sur le Crédit » (research organization
on credits/savings/financial products, funded by Compagnie bancaire).
1980 : VP of « Atelier », advanced department of the Group on technologies and marketing (the “inside evangelist”).
1983 : Atelier launches the first financial telematics services in France for the customers/partnerships of the Group.
With these technologies, Cetelem ( a Compagnie Bancaire subsidiary in household credit) double its market share in 18 months.
1987 : Chief Editor of « Journal de l’Atelier » (review on
technologies/marketing) for professionnal people (partnerships of
Compagnie Bancaire) in commerce, real estate, car, trucks, ... and other
activities (the “outside evangelist”).
Since 1987, Jean Michel Billaut organized for partners many study trips
focused on technologies in USA, Japan, Europe (many meetings for
example in Intel Santa Clara with Claude Leglise, etc...).
1993 : launch of « Babillard de l’Atelier » (BBS system). Around
10.000 VP - internal and external - use this online “before IP” system.
They learn business on line.
1994 : lanch of the “Web de l’Atelier” (, one of the first in France.
1998 : lanch of « canal atelier », the first video streaming channel
in French focused on technologies (presentation of start-ups,
technologies, etc...).
Since 2001, Jean Michel Billaut is advisor of Internet Department - BNP Paribas.
Since 2002, Jean Michel Billaut is advisor of Andre Labarrere,
senator and mayor of Pau (180.00 people) in south of France. . Pau
would lanch at the end 2003 an optical (and Wifi) network - 100
megabits/s for 30 US $/month for everybody -with new kind of
applications : VoIp, streaming DVD quality, web conferencing, TvIp,
music jukebox, data center, grid over 30.000 PCs, interactive 3D for
commerce, learning, game, tourism, e-administration, e-health,
telematics in car and gas stations, etc...
Pau launches also the “intelligent town model”. Code project of this
new town near the old downtown : Paulywood (IP management and feedback
of houses, offices, and all the town, use only renewable energies,
pollution tends to 0, ....)
Jean Michel Billaut has written numerous articles on Neteconomy, prefaced books, ...
He has created or initiated many associations.
• Vice-Président of the Association for on line services and commerce (ACSEL) 1988 - 2001
• Chairman of “Club de l’Arche” (think tank), since its creation in 1993
• Chairman of the Internet Fiesta Association since its creation in 1998
• Chairman of « digital towns association » 1998 - 2002
He is lobbying for a “new deal” in Europe : to build a fiber optic
infrastrusture end to end all over Europe (political slogan : 100
megabits/s for every european). New deal as President Roosevelt does in
1932 with Keynes ideas to go out the 29’ crisis. And we have to build
this infrastructure before USA, if we want to have a chance to put our
own culture “in broadband”.
Jean Michel Billaut has been promoted « Chevalier de la Légion
d’Honneur » (the high french distinction) by President Chirac for the
promotion of the Internet in France.