Cette panspermie c’est une vraie blague de collégiens... et ça marche !
« »That kind of entry should be no problem" for life to survive, says Allan Treiman of the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, who notes that researchers recently found bacteria that appear to have survived the break up of the shuttle Columbia when it re-entered Earth’s atmosphere in 2003. And Earthly lichen has also survived when exposed to the harsh environment of space.
« I thought the Titan result was really surprising - how many would get there and how slowly they’d land, » Treiman told New Scientist. « The thing I don’t know about is if there are any bugs on Earth that would be happy living on Titan. » Titan’s surface temperature is a very cold -179°C and its chemistry is very different from Earth’s.
Gladman agrees that life may be unlikely to survive once on Titan. But he says major impacts may have happened « tens of times » throughout Earth’s history and that these could have sent Earth rocks to other solar system bodies. « I just set out to answer this question : is it possible to get something there ? » he says. « The answer is yes. »"
« The answer is yes »
Vous avez noté le saut conceptuel entre la probabilité et l’affirmation médiatique pourvoyeuse de notoriété et de crédits ?