B.Obama sera sans doute le prochain président mais j’emets quelques réserves quant à son.. Indépendance
La pieuvre est bien plus large qu’il n’y parait. Ce seront toujours les memes organisations mondialistes qui tiendront les rennes. Nous sommes destinés à subir, comme l’ont fait de valeureux chevaliers au 14eme siècle. A notre tour de nous tapir dans l’ombre, de laisser des signes habiles, des indices, que nos descendants éclairés pourrons déchiffrer avant d’agir. En temps voulus. Quand les Hommes seront prêts. Il est encore bien trop tôt. Mais la grande vigilance ne doit pas pour autant relacher son effort. Be Good...
"Barack Obama’s top economics adviser is a member of the super-secret Skull & Bones society of Yale University, of which George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and John Kerry are also members, reliable sources confirmed tonight. Goolsbee is widely reported to have told Obama not to back a compulsory freeze on home mortgage foreclosures to help the struggling middle class in the current depression crisis, as demanded by former candidate John Edwards. Hillary Clinton has advocated a one-year voluntary freeze on foreclosures. Obama has offered counselors to comfort mortgage victims as they are dispossessed, citing the ’moral hazard’ of protecting the public interest from Wall Street sharks.
By adding the infamous Skull & Bones secret society to his campaign roster, Obama, who bills himself as the candidate of change and hope, has attained a prefect trifecta of oligarchical and financier establishment backing for his attempt to seize the nomination of the Democratic Party for 2008. Obama’s main overall image adviser and foreign policy adviser is Zbigniew Brzezinski, the co-founder of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission, and the mastermind of the disastrous Carter administration. Obama’s wife Michelle is reputed to be closely linked to the Council on Foreign Relations. Behind the utopian platitudes dished up by the Illinois senator, the face of the Wall Street money elite comes into clearer and clearer focus. "