Le Monde 28 fev 2008
Parce que les Etats-Unis n’ont pas d’épargne, l’administration Bush doit emprunter à l’étranger, à la Chine, par exemple, observe les auteurs. "Le déficit de l’Amérique est tel qu’elle ne peut sauver ses propres banques." Des établissements comme Citigroup ou Merrill Lynch, qui étaient l’orgueil de Wall Street, ont été contraints d’aller quémander des fonds auprès de fonds asiatiques ou moyen-orientaux pour ne pas sombrer. Au risque de perdre leur indépendance et de passer sous pavillon koweïtien ou singapourien.
In figures
The amount the US spends on the monthly running costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - on top of regular defence spending
The amount paid by every US household every month towards the current operating costs of the war
The amount Halliburton has received in single-source contracts for work in Iraq
The annual cost to the US of the rising price of oil, itself a consequence of the war
$3 trillion
A conservative estimate of the true cost - to America alone - of Bush’s Iraq adventure. The rest of the world, including Britain, will shoulder about the same amount again
Cost of 10 days’ fighting in Iraq
$1 trillion
The interest America will have paid by 2017 on the money borrowed to finance the war
The average drop in income of 13 African countries - a direct result of the rise in oil prices. This drop has more than offset the recent increase in foreign aid to Africa
·The Three Trillion Dollar War, by Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes
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