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Commentaire de Jojo2

sur Les fonctionnaires coûtent 20 milliards d'euros de trop

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Jojo2 (---.---.42.95) 28 septembre 2006 18:21

Il n’y a pas à aller bien loin...La dérégulation encourage les escrocs, et il faut ajouter d’autres lois et les faire respecter...Bref on rebureaucratise...Faudra m’expliquer le bénef...

"In June 2002, the General Accounting Office concluded that, “FERC is not adequately performing the oversight that is needed to ensure that prices produced by these markets are just and reasonable and therefore is not fulfilling its statutory mandate. . . . As the California energy crisis has made adequately clear, FERC simply cannot let the markets continue to go unmonitored for this length of time.”

Pour les trains anglais, un avis autorisé...

« And so on and so on. Do not blame the unions for the latest crisis on the railways ; the private operators are as incompetent and as short-sighted in their industrial relations as they have been in everything else. Do not blame Mr Byers personally for the latest crisis on the railways ; he at least had the courage to stop Railtrack continuing to fleece the taxpayer on behalf of its shareholders. Blame the Tories for privatisation, the most foolish policy pursued by any government since Suez. Blame new Labour for its scandalous neglect of transport in its first term. »

J’ajouterai (pour la France) que les côuts de personnel ne veulent rien dire. Si l’on fait de (pseudo)économies sur le matos (ce qui est le cas, j’en sais quelque chose, c’est pas la même ligne budgétaire), il faut parfois 2 personnes pour faire le boulot d’une.

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