Blogs, online commentators and viral videos have shaped the debate in the current election season. But "e-politics" still faces at least one major obstacle : Internet access.
The FCC announced a public en banc hearing to be held in Pittsburgh, Pa., on Monday, July 21, 2008, on broadband and the digital future.
The FCC announced it will hold a public hearing about broadband and the digital future in Pittsburgh on July 21. Free Press applauds the FCC for continuing to seek public input on key policy questions.
One week after Charter Communications voiced concerns about controversial behavioral targeting company NebuAd, two other Internet service providers appear to be distancing themselves from the company.
A week after Charter Communications backpedaled on plans to implement NebuAds’ controversial behavioral tracking and ad serving platform, another of the vendor’s ISP partners has put on the brakes.
The Public Interest Spectrum Coalition has filed comments with the FCC strongly suggesting that if the D Block plan for public safety spectrum is going to succeed, the agency needs to rethink the nonprofit in charge of the public safety region.
Two senior House Republicans are calling on the FCC to drop a proposal that the winning bidder of a swath of airwaves offers free Internet services to the public as part of the deal.
CNet interviewed Verizon CTO Mark Wegleitner about Fios and acceptable broadband network management.
There are exchanges where you can buy and sell stocks, futures, pork bellies, wine and even pollution allowances. Why not an exchange for the trading of digital bits and bytes ?
Even for an industry awash in bad news, the newspaper business went through one of its most severe retrenchments in recent memory last week, with talk of slashing payrolls, outsourcing printing and selling iconic headquarter buildings.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer is cutting an average of 32 pages per week. The changes will include the elimination of four regular weekly stand-alone sections, including Monday business.
With the double whammy of $4 gas prices and magazine wholesaler-led distribution cuts, magazines are facing steeper-than-usual single-copy sales declines in the first half of 2008.
Fox News has seen its once formidable advantage over CNN erode in this presidential election year, as both CNN and MSNBC have added viewers at far more dramatic rates.
Scratch the surface of all those glittering tributes for Tim Russert and you might find an undercoating of journalistic insecurity.
The advisory committees to Burlington Telecom made the appropriate decision by unanimously recommending that the city-owned cable provider retain Al-Jazeera English in its channel lineup.
Independent, international grassroots journalism is already happening, and it’s exciting, enduring and revolutionary for all parties concerned.
The disaster of the Iowa floods could possibly have been the state’s Broadcasters’ "finest hour." But they should act in the public interest at other times as well.
Philadelphia’s Wi-Fi system got a shot in the arm when Mayor Michael Nutter announced a new ownership and management agreement. But the original vision of Philly Wi-Fi as a way to get poor people on-line appears to have been lost in the negotiations.
A federal appeals court upheld the FCC’s authority to set rules meant to make it easier for new cable television competitors to gain local franchises.
With the FCC considering a compromise proposal for an XM-Sirius satellite radio merger, several high-profile Democrats weighed in saying that the proposal does not go far enough for their liking.
The FCC is considering rules on whether or not television product placements should be more clearly distinguished, as well as stronger warnings to viewers that the props or plot points may actually be paid advertisements.
Telecom companies squabbling over Qwest’s bid to raise wholesale prices in four cities are nervously eyeing the end of July, when the FCC must make a decision.
CBS finalized its acquisition of CNET Networks, having merged CNET’s properties into the now-expanded CBS Interactive division.
Google has entered the living room, but it’s not clear whether it is just wandering through or whether it will grab some popcorn, plop on the couch and stay for a while.
10/07 21:30 - youri
Une fois repérée, une caméra peut facilement être rendue inopérante.
04/07 14:52 - ThatJazz
Qu’on installe une caméra dans un lieu privé ça ne me dérange pas, si les croyants de (...)
03/07 02:11 - Iroquois
L’amour, il ne suffit pas de le donner, il faut en face quelqu’un qui soit capable (...)
02/07 15:18 - Nobody knows me
je suis également contre les caméras dans les lieux publics je trouve que ce sont en effet des (...)
02/07 15:06 - ThatJazz
je suis d’accord avec toi, mais il faut quand même être vigilant. Si tu regardes (...)
02/07 14:59 - ThatJazz
Là ou je fais un parallèle avec 1984, c’est qu’à la fin du livre, le héros a une (...)
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