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Commentaire de Gilles

sur La sale guerre a commencé

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Gilles Gilles 23 octobre 2008 11:17

La fraude électorale "officielle" aux USA

Prior to the 2000 election, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris and her predecessor, both Republicans, tried to purge 57,000 voters, most of them African-Americans, because their names resembled those of persons convicted of a crime. The state eventually acknowledged that the purges were improper — two years after the election.........

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, in its investigation of the 2000 returns from Florida, found that African-Americans were nearly 10 times more likely than whites to have their ballots rejected, a ratio that holds nationwide.      et ainsi BUSG fut élu

Colorado holds the record : Donetta Davidson, the Republican secretary of state, and her GOP successor oversaw the elimination of nearly one of every six of their state’s voters. Bush has since appointed Davidson to the Election Assistance Commission, the federal agency created by HAVA, which provides guidance to the states on "list maintenance" methods.

Excellent article sur les manipulations des listes électorales. Et qui fout les boule. Des millions d’américains,selon eux, découvrent le jour du vote qu’ils ont été rayé des listes électorales, sans en être avertis, sous n’importe quel prétexte (nom ressemblant à celui d’un criminel, une erreur de typo dans un fichier quelconque,

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