The IMF, led by Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has the power to raise money on the capital markets by issuing `AAA’ bonds under its own name. It has never resorted to this option, preferring to tap members states for deposits. The nuclear option is to print money by issuing Special Drawing Rights, in effect acting as if it were the world’s central bank. This was done briefly after the fall of the Soviet Union but has never been used as systematic tool of policy to head off a global financial crisis. "The IMF can in theory create liquidity like a central bank," said an informed source. "There are a lot of ideas kicking around."
saviez vous que le fmi pouvait battre de la monnaie ? moi non ! MF-may-need-to-print-money-as-crisis-spreads.html
les interets de la dette aux usa se monte à pres de 500 milliard par an,sur un budget de 3000 milliard,
le principal,plus de 10 000 milliard ,pourra t-il etre remboursé,je doute,mais je me demande comment cela va t il se passer ?
les usa vont-ils se mettre en cessation de paiement et dire aux chinois japonais,russe et arabes ::"on vous bien niqué" "rien,vous aurez rien" " et nous avec cet argent on s’est fabriqué des lasers que vous n’imaginez même pas,comme la ystems ,la vidéo est sure la droite./chemical_lasers/tactical_high_energy.html