Et bien une fois de plus j’apprend encore bcp de chose. Effectivement, quel paradoxe dans la famille Morrisson,faisant donc mentir le proverbe "tel père-tel fils" ou "la pomme ne tombe jamais loin de l’arbre"...voici donc quelques indices sur les fantômes de Jim...
Signals Intercepts, Cited at Time, Prove Only August 2nd Battle, Not August 4 ;
Purported Second Attack Prompted Congressional Blank Check for War nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB132/
Basically a US destroyer, the USS Maddox, was providing cover for a program known as DeSoto, where South Vietnamese operatives were landed in North Vietnam. The Maddox, while in international waters, was fired on by North Vietnamese PT boats.
The next night, the USS Turner Joy, operating in bad weather near the same area, reported radar sitings of what they thought were North Vietnamese PT boats. It was later decided that these were false readings, caused by the bad weather and the crew being on edge because of the Maddox incident.
In seeking the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which the Johnson administration used as its authority to wage war in Vietnam, the Johnson Administration said nothing about the DeSoto operation, instead portraying the Maddox as innocently operating in international waters. Though the Navy already knew the Turner Joy’s incident was questionable at best (carrier jets sent to the area found nothing), the Johnson administration represented it as a repeat attack on US ships operating in international waters. That’s the story in a nutshell. You can find plenty of published sources on the incident.
Iggy Pop est né à Muskegon, de James Newell Österberg, Sr., un ancien professeur d’anglais et entraîneur de base-ball