l’influence environnementale de ces dérivés de la progestérone et du cortisol a été longtemps été sous estimée.
preuve en est dans la bio- culture intensive au Canada
Phyto Estrogens
Some people use birth control pills to raise the estrogen level in their plants. This is a personal choice, but it is not mine. These pills are synthetic and cause a lot of trouble for women and generally I have a certain disdain for them.
Menstrual blood, however, is a good source of estrogen and is as organic as the donor. Decreasing other fertilizer levels before introducing blood will reduce the possibility of the blood feeding unwanted organisms in your system. Ultimately, I can say that there is a part of me in every plant I have ever grown.
It is annoying that some, usually young, square men think this is disgusting. Get real. They prefer using bone and blood meal which they know nothing about, other than that it came from a dead animal who had a miserable life and ate less organically than most of the women you know.
Such backwards attitudes aside, menstrual blood is not plant based and is arguably a secondary source to phyto-estrogen. Blue Cohosh is a herb which contains plant estrogens, and I also use this in my flowering formulas. It can easily be introduced in the form of tea, or you can even grow your Kombucha on it.
C’est observé depuis les années 7O dans les marécages des bras morts de l’Ancien Rhin à Strasbourg
des "monstres" chez les arbres saules peupliers.....
des "monstres" chez les poissons blancs des rivières nases ou hotus, brêmes, gardons et leurs hybrides
Un KD de l’ordre de 1O moins 15 pour les connaisseurs.
Ce qui est dégeulasse c’est de conclure et dire que seule la PILULE entraîne cette perturbation environnementale.