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Commentaire de winkiesman

sur Ouverture d'un musée de l'espéranto en Tchéquie, dans la ville de Svitavy

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Τυφῶν בעל Perkele winkiesman 20 mars 2009 22:55

According to Kundera, graphomania is the groundless claim, sometimes being large-scale, of being a writer :

"The irresisitable proliferation of graphomania among politicians, taxi drivers, childbearers, lovers, murderers, thieves, prostitutes, officials, doctors, and patients shows me that everyone without exception bears a potential writer within him, so that the entire human species has good reason to go down the streets and shout : ’We are all writers !’"

Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting [6]
Kundera’s feeling about graphomania may be explained by the fact that such pejorative meaning of graphomania is actually often used in Post-Soviet block to denote foolish, unprofessional and excessive writings (not only in the form of literature, but also science), while logorrhea as a noun (with its negative, pejorative meaning) is not as often used.

Alors, on a du mal à se remettre de la chute du Mur ?


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