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Commentaire de paul muadhib

sur Le président Obama interdit la torture mais exonère les tortionnaires de toute responsabilité

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paul muadhib 20 avril 2009 23:39

on aurait dit 1 % de ce qui se dit ici sur la torture mais sur les terroristes sionistes , on etait bon pour ... ? un proces par philippe val avec la pendaison. a suivre..les elites on voit bien ce que ca donne ...le pseudo peuple serait carement encore plus...comment dire ?? stupide, ignare,boeuf,sadique..etc.. oui car en fait c est le cul de basse fosse du monde qui fait elire l elite, car en gros entre le mal = droite et le mal = gauche c est a peu pres a 50/50...le boeuf choisit son bourreau droite ou gauche, plus ou moins de souffrance , mais souffrance quand meme !..c est plus un propos de depit immense, je viens de comprendre que l elite et le peuple sont pareil, une vision qu je viens juste d avoir, le pauvre est un riche en devenir, c est la toute son aspiration....it s a never ending process and if we don t change deeply, innerly ,in our consciousness, well , we better have to get used to ..HELL...we re leaving in HELL, surrounded by evil..and most of us are quite happy with it, it s a total nonsense, mankind as it is now is a nonsense at the face of universe and the solution we ve found is ...destruction..look here those people talking about torment to inflict to anyone who is just thinking, who is different from the main stream and so on , it is just beyond words , beyond humanity, it is absolute evil , and we all have to face it, to destroy it ...we all have to start with ourselves, not with the neighbourghood, but with ourselves..this is the next and last step...if it doesn t happen , mankind will be destroy , and it will be the end of sorrow. We had the gift of free will, but we are using it really ,really badly , the worst you are the better it is in our societies...please face the facts , mankind is evil !!! it is urgent to behave differently, tomorow the entire world can be different , if we learn to cooperate on good projects for the community, which means to transform ourselves radically, see , please, all the systems have failed, from religion to capitalism, from communism to liberalism and so on .
We actually have failed to make of this planet , earth , a good place to live for every living creature..the suffering is killing people, animals, trees, forest, seas, clouds , atmosphere, the land is poisoned , and hate is everywhere in every heart...
The understanding of corruption in ourselves is necessary, now we have to find those who can open doors for themselves and so for everyone, not as a method, truth is beyond any method....
please..wake up for all the children of earth , even if it is too late for you !
please !!!

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