MORICE article drôle ment intéressssant
c’est trop... ! comment dire .. arh !
surtout ces passages là :
... comme le rapporte cet effarant article du New-YorkTimes du 13 mai dernier. « The Explorers program, a coeducational affiliate of the Boy Scouts of America that began 60 years ago, is training thousands of young people in skills used to confront terrorism, illegal immigration and escalating border violence — an intense ratcheting up of one of the group’s longtime missions to prepare youths for more traditional jobs as police officers and firefighters.
Patrouilles de Frontière anti-émigration : »any law enforcement officials, particularly those who work for the rapidly growing Border Patrol, part of the Homeland Security Department, have helped shape the program’s focus and see it as preparing the Explorers as potential employees« .
action du FBI : »The Explorer posts are attached to various agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and local police and fire departments, that sponsor them much the way churches sponsor Boy Scout troops. “Our end goal is to create more agents,” said April McKee, a senior Border Patrol agent and mentor at the session here« .
fort étrange entité. »AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) is specifically tasked with homeland security, according to The United States Conference of Mayors. “AmeriCorps NCCC, a residential, team-based program, offers approximately 1,300 young people between the ages of 18 to 24 the opportunity to serve their country for ten months on various projects. The primary focus of these are assisting in responding disaster relief and homeland security,”
des fins politiques : « AmeriCorps headquarters encourages local programs to organize »AmeriCorps-for-a-Day events with elected officials« to help get them on board as supporters. A politician can show up, hammer three nails at a house-building project, and be assured of laudatory coverage in the local media ».
pas servi à grand’chose en fait : « Though AmeriCorps abounds in “feel good” projects, it has never provided credible evidence of benefit to the United States. The Office of Management and Budget concluded in 2003 that “AmeriCorps has not been able to demonstrate results. Its current focus is on the amount of time a person serves, as opposed to the impact on the community or participants.” OMB noted in 2004 ».
noms : « One ACM worker has described the company’s Woomera Immigration Detention Centre as “like a concentration camp”. Complete with razor wire, barbed wire, steel fences and patrolling officers, it is hard to deny the comparison. The detainees themselves are treated as criminals and are dehumanised. They are assigned numbers corresponding to the prefix of the boat they arrived on, such as “Don 27” or “Rap 180”. These were the same people who in August last year staged a desperate protest at Woomera, waving signs saying “save us from ACM”.
le monde en aura profité : »Wackenhut provides cheap labour for corporations : in Austin, Texas, a company which produced circuit boards initially closed down only to re-open within one of Wackenhut’s prisons. Prisoners now work in this factory producing goods for companies including IBM and Microsoft
systématique des opposants : « By 1965, Wackenhut was boasting to potential investors that the company maintained files on 2.5 million suspected dissidents—one in 46 American adults then living. In 1966, after acquiring the private files of Karl Barslaag, a former staff member of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, Wackenhut could confidently maintain that with more than 4 million names, it had the largest privately held file on suspected dissidents in America ».
Amérique du Sud : « We have uncovered considerable evidence that Wackenhut carried the CIA’s water in fighting Communist encroachment in Central America in the 1980s (...) Eden Pastora, the contras’ famous Commander Zero, who had been spotted at a test of some night-vision goggles at a firing range near the Cabazon reservation in the company of Nichols and a Wackenhut executive, offhandedly identified that executive, A. Robert Frye, as »the man from the CIA.« Des armes, ou de l’espionnage : » In addition to attempted weapons supply, Wackenhut seems to have been involved in Central America in other ways. Ernesto Bermudez, who was Wackenhut’s director of international operations from 1987 to ’89, admitted to SPY that during 1985 and ’86 he ran Wackenhut’s operations in El Salvador, where he was in charge of 1,500 men. When asked what 1,500 men were doing for Wackenhut in El Salvador, Bermudez replied coyly, « Things. » Pressed, he elaborated : « Things you wouldn’t want your mother to know about. » Même pas sa mère ? ???
aller encore plus loin : « Wackenhut’s right-wing politics have not been confined to supporting U.S. administrations. In 1977, Wackenhut obtained special permission to operate in Belgium ; according to Edward Herman and Gerry O’Sullivan’s The Terrorism Industry, Wackenhut ’quickly got involved with right-wing terrorists who were themselves linked to state security agents. » Wackenhut’s local director in Brussels, Jean-Francis Calmette, was a rightist who had hired and given combat instruction to members of Westland New Post, a Belgian fascist group. Wackenhut left Belgium in the early 1980s, following accusations that its guards were luring immigrant children into basements and beating them"...
Combien d’épisodes ?
07/12 13:11 - HERVE
Bonjour Morice, J’aimerais beaucoup avoir la référence de la citation suivante : Pour (...)
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Cet article est certainement passionnant pour ceux qui savent lire l’anglais, pour les (...)
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25/06 01:35 - Reinette
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