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Commentaire de morice

sur Non, cet homme n'est pas ce que vous pensez

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morice morice 7 janvier 2010 23:54

Two former Blackwater contractors were arrested Thursday on murder charges in the shootings of two Afghans after a traffic accident last year, according to an indictment obtained by The Associated Press. 


The indictment charges Justin Cannon, 27, and Chris Drotleff, 29, with second-degree murder, attempted murder and weapons charges. Both of them are in custody, said Peter Carr, a spokesman with the U.S. attorney’s office in Virginia’s eastern district. 

nouveau... ils n’avaient pas été accusés auparavant : le juge a donc gagné ... ça fait 2 de plus, et l’Irak de l’autre côté ... 

Two former Blackwater contractors were arrested Thursday on murder charges in the shootings of two Afghans after a traffic accident last year, according to an indictment obtained by The Associated Press. 

The indictment charges Justin Cannon, 27, and Chris Drotleff, 29, with second-degree murder, attempted murder and weapons charges. Both of them are in custody, said Peter Carr, a spokesman with the U.S. attorney’s office in Virginia’s eastern district. 

Both men have said in recent interviews with The Associated Press that they were justified in opening fire on a car that caused an accident in front of their vehicle, then turned and sped toward them after they got out to help. 

The indictment says the shooting at a Kabul intersection killed two men. At least one other person was injured. 

The military veterans worked for Paravant, a subsidiary of Xe, the company formerly known as Blackwater. 

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